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My Lap-Band Experience!

June 26, 2003 - 316 lbs..... :P
Alcohol units today - 0 (but thinking about it)
Today I decided I wanted to start a webpage to track my progress.  I haven't had the surgery yet, July 16th, but I have been very nervous lately.  I've had some of the testing done:  the barium swallow (tastes like chalk), and the gastric empty (mmm...eggs).  I still have to get a Manometry done, which sounds extemely painful, sticking a tube down your nose and esophagus is not my idea of fun, and blood work, but I can't get it done until at the earliest next week.   I got confused this week about a couple of minor misunderstandings between me, my school nurse here in MO, and the many nurses at MIBSC.  I'm still not really sure that I have to get the manometry, but I guess I will get it anyway.  I sent a message to the Bansters Chicago yahoo group...only got one response, but that's cool.  Sometimes I think those people just ignore me, but oh well. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BandstersChicago
Anyway....Amber cleaned today! She didn't do very much...but I had to take note of that....it doesn't happen often!

Weight: 292.5 (down almost 24 lbs.)
Alcohol Units - None (trying to quit)
Why is it that people get depressed?  How could I be so depressed right now when everything seems to be working out.  Maybe I wish things were better than they are...4.0 gpa...done with school...good paying job...great boyfriend...maybe even a husband and kids....nice house (no bugs :P)...no worries.  But that's not how it is, quite to the contrary unfortunatly.  Bad grades, never gonna finish school, sucky job (even though I could do homework if I could focus), no boyfriend, not even a hopeful, roach motel of an apartment, annoying roommate, etc. etc.  And my weight....I was hoping to have lost so much more.  I know why I'm not though, just like with everything else that is wrong in my life, I'm slacking.  Sometimes I wish I could just kick myself in the butt and make myself snap out of this....but for some reason I can't.  I know I will eventually get over this, but I want it to happen now!  I'm tired of this!  I don't know what else to do right now but pray.
Sorry for this bleak update, but I just need some prayer.

Email Me:    shoopsbottle@hotmail.com